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writing execFlowFunctionObjects

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Old   September 8, 2013, 18:46
Default writing execFlowFunctionObjects
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how can write the results of execFlowFunctionObjects in postProcessing folder instead of terminal only?
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Old   September 9, 2013, 06:12
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Joachim Herb
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(At least with OpenFOAM 2.2.x) the results are written in the postProcessing folder (additionally to the terminal window). Do you just want to get rid of the terminal output? Then you can redirect the output to /dev/null, e.g.
execFlowFunctionObjects -noFlow -latestTime >/dev/null
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Old   September 9, 2013, 06:34
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Hi Joachim
I want to execFlowFunctionObjects write values in all time steps as I've set in controlDict,now it writes only for latest time,I use this command:
mpirun -np 4 execFlowFunctionObjects -parallel -time '0.005598:'
how can have all times in postProcessing folders?
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Old   September 9, 2013, 07:04
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Just remove the -time option. Then all time steps are written in one file (per variable) in the directory whose name is the time of the first time step.
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Old   September 9, 2013, 07:35
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I want to values after 0.005598 be written in folders,but I'll test it,thanks.
I deleted that option but still only latest time value is written in each file and replaces to previous value instead of be written below it.only one value(for latest time) is shown in the list.
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Old   September 9, 2013, 08:05
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Which version of OpenFOAM do you use?

Here is part of my controlDict:
       type patchAverage;
       verbose true;
       outputControl timeStep;
       outputInterval 1;
I use the simpleFunctionObbjects swak4Foam library to calculate average values at different boundaries, but you should also be able to do this like described here without swak4Foam.
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Old   September 9, 2013, 08:15
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then its because of outputTime,can't use it instead of timeStep? this way information become very much higher written in folders.
it's one of dictionaries:
        type           faceSource;
        functionObjectLibs ("");
        enabled on;
        log             yes;
        valueOutput     false;
        surfaceFormat   vtk;
        source          sampledSurface;
        //sourceName      baffleFaces;
          type cuttingPlane;
          planeType pointAndNormal;
             basePoint       (0.01725 0.002 0);
             normalVector    (1 0 0);
          interpolate true;
        operation       areaAverage;
            //phi // surface fields not supported for sampledSurface
        outputControl outputTime;//outputTime;//
        outputInterval 1; // 5000;
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Old   September 9, 2013, 08:24
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I think outputControl outputTime can only be used during the actual run of the solver not in post processing.
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Old   September 9, 2013, 16:07
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Greetings to all!

@Ehsan: Please post the main settings for "controlDict" or email me the whole "controlDict" file.

But I'm guessing that you have the "startFrom" option set to "latestTime".

Best regards,
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Old   September 9, 2013, 16:30
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Hi Bruno
I changed it to startTime but still each time step that is calculated is over written on previous value and replaces it.
Attached Files
File Type: gz controlDict.tar.gz (792 Bytes, 11 views)
File Type: gz n3_Average.tar.gz (340 Bytes, 4 views)
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Old   September 9, 2013, 17:13
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Hi Ehsan,

What you have is this:
  1. You attached the file "n3_Average/0.0149299/faceSource.dat", which only has the time sample "0.005639". This is very strange, since the time "0.0149299" comes way after the "0.005639".
  2. Your start time is set to "0.005598" and the end time to "0.00746495999". Neither one match the example case you provided.

So, I did some tests with the "cavity" test case I did the other day for "execFunctionObjects". And the conclusions were as follows:
  1. The "startTime" value in the "controlDict" only affects the folder to which the function objects will save the data to. For example:
    • The cavity case runs from 0 to 0.5, in steps of 0.1.
    • After running icoFoam, I set the start time to 0.4 and ran the execFunctionObjects utility.
    • The result was that it created the file "postProcessing/movingWall/0.4/faceSource.dat" and placed inside it all of the averages, from 0 to 0.5 in steps of 0.1.
  2. In other words, this utility uses the "startTime" as a timing reference, but it will use the "-time" or "-latestTime" options as the real definitions of the time folders to be used.
Therefore, Ehsan, what you have to do is:
  1. Define in "controlDict" the "startTime" for which you want to save the data. For example, if "startTime" is set to "0.005598", then for example, the data will be saved at "postProcessing/n3_Average/0.005598/faceSource.dat".
  2. Then, if you want to re-calculate all of these values from "0.005598" till the end of the simulation, then run with the respective option, something like this:
    execFlowFunctionObjects -time 0.005598:
Best regards,
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Old   September 9, 2013, 17:32
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Bruno I used this but like before it only writes one time step
mpirun -np 4 execFlowFunctionObjects -parallel -time '0.005598:'
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Old   September 9, 2013, 17:43
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wyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to allwyldckat is a name known to all
Ooops... sorry, I've been using OpenFOAM 2.2.x. There have been two major bugs fixed in "execFlowFunctionObjects".

Let me think... OK, let's see if this works for you and do one line at a time:
sudo su -c "source $(foamEtcFile bashrc); bash"
cd $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/miscellaneous/execFlowFunctionObjects
wget "" -O "execFlowFunctionObjects.C"
wget "" -O "Make/options"
You should now have a perfectly working execFlowFunctionObjects utility. Try using it. Hopefully it will now work as intended.
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Old   September 9, 2013, 17:51
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You mean these?
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Old   September 9, 2013, 18:06
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Thaaaaaaaaaanks dear Bruno,now it works fine.
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Old   September 9, 2013, 18:19
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Hi Joachim,
Originally Posted by jherb View Post
Problem is that Github enforces HTTPS and this doesn't work very well for people located at Iran... which is why I gave specific instructions for one of the git mirrors that exist for OpenFOAM 2.2.x, where this specific one doesn't require HTTPS to work.

Best regards,
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Old   September 10, 2013, 03:48
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it was good if funkyDoCalc can be used for writing in folders after run,but its not possible yet as discussed in another thread.
I noticed now that even Swak4Foam postProcessing dictionaries have worked with execFlowFunctionObjects!
its very good but how?is it implemented in execFlowFunctionObjects to be compatible by Swak functions?
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Last edited by immortality; September 10, 2013 at 05:41.
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Old   September 10, 2013, 16:35
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I wanted to plot the case now but some fields (p,T,h) are constant in different times.
0.005598    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54114791625    865682.237678    (14.7827374175 -0.784703849386 0)
0.005599    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.5410069203    865682.237678    (14.9984945935 -0.645229404709 0)
0.0056    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54081396095    865682.237678    (15.2049441082 -0.615349960643 0)
0.005601    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54058927558    865682.237678    (15.312490212 -0.437198625383 0)
0.005602    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54038790958    865682.237678    (15.4074516231 -0.151110211229 0)
0.005603    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54020289127    865682.237678    (15.5479315581 0.123361643557 0)
0.005604    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53996491809    865682.237678    (15.6344262837 0.398277224982 0)
0.005605    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53973537789    865682.237678    (15.6850227332 0.305840721724 0)
0.005606    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53949311741    865682.237678    (15.7798140384 0.229570715682 0)
0.005607    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53929957329    865682.237678    (15.8760288829 0.0867213234754 0)
0.005608    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53913794772    865682.237678    (16.0175723356 0.0106378666596 0)
0.005609    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53900636661    865682.237678    (16.1162916868 -0.174552749059 0)
0.00561    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53882878571    865682.237678    (16.1568097104 -0.297079788137 0)
0.005611    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53867046933    865682.237678    (16.1423251603 -0.28048331148 0)
0.005612    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53855351875    865682.237678    (16.1832603172 -0.106344001959 0)
0.005613    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53843979072    865682.237678    (16.2188896534 -0.0540800672021 0)
0.005614    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53829113991    865682.237678    (16.1803997404 -0.16631368477 0)
0.005615    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53812441999    865682.237678    (16.1151548088 -0.128481595215 0)
0.005616    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.5379476495    865682.237678    (16.0687270816 -0.0967323100354 0)
0.005617    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53777103416    865682.237678    (16.0111740343 -0.0336107300567 0)
0.005618    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53759266588    865682.237678    (15.9828770356 -0.133163370915 0)
0.005619    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53743455605    865682.237678    (15.9750943067 -0.0655235596619 0)
0.00562    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53729353927    865682.237678    (15.9570762384 0.0751990958473 0)
0.005621    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53715116226    865682.237678    (15.9186583742 0.122265794302 0)
0.005622    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53694030073    865682.237678    (15.7534117634 0.104048521101 0)
0.005623    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53661135638    865682.237678    (15.3784307736 0.00811559802586 0)
0.005624    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53621451758    865682.237678    (14.8762855865 0.0333620763288 0)
0.005625    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53586432111    865682.237678    (14.4675129536 -0.0284564612981 0)
0.005626    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53556813683    865682.237678    (14.1258569697 -0.168570182882 0)
0.005627    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53530876501    865682.237678    (13.6060067791 -0.304623606293 0)
0.005628    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53518101296    865682.237678    (12.7070270653 -0.315696885622 0)
0.005629    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53534145943    865682.237678    (11.382108897 -0.240736460636 0)
0.00563    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53580152853    865682.237678    (9.71355513059 -0.199795639878 0)
0.005631    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53641165876    865682.237678    (7.86099521269 -0.117131832457 0)
0.005632    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53705266776    865682.237678    (5.95731688799 0.115429213246 0)
0.005633    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53768371334    865682.237678    (4.12263087732 0.3037169967 0)
0.005634    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.5382917328    865682.237678    (2.37622683784 0.272594666837 0)
0.005635    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53888731645    865682.237678    (0.623708053709 0.100388733451 0)
0.005636    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.53949133436    865682.237678    (-1.16322618578 -0.0706267899604 0)
0.005637    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54010881928    865682.237678    (-2.93608607312 -0.0778372622873 0)
0.005638    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54072235992    865682.237678    (-4.69082029924 -0.0989958700481 0)
0.005639    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54133623937    865682.237678    (-6.4780446012 -0.161174418594 0)
0.00564    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54196494591    865682.237678    (-8.3193626466 -0.225838893841 0)
0.005641    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54262920593    865682.237678    (-10.1334827934 -0.283008839657 0)
0.005642    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54331590546    865682.237678    (-11.8779755775 -0.276870471925 0)
0.005643    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54401100136    865682.237678    (-13.5858646386 -0.243394486289 0)
0.005644    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54469188929    865682.237678    (-15.3012860906 -0.128567278776 0)
0.005645    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54534415143    865682.237678    (-17.0588475868 0.0672248262822 0)
0.005646    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54599989743    865682.237678    (-18.8655239933 0.260944939616 0)
0.005647    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54668929742    865682.237678    (-20.6942649656 0.330584972116 0)
0.005648    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54738692516    865682.237678    (-22.5119968538 0.26677691793 0)
0.005649    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54805981426    865682.237678    (-24.2757093629 0.177318556523 0)
0.00565    1.2e-05    486033.899292    1098.46445791    1.54871798405    865682.237678    (-25.9792319514 0.0457263498936 0)
its part of the result shown in terminal:
faceSource n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.64188173631
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-8.22965963875 0.0786401016106 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.22220793355
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (16.925861967 -0.525992448074 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 1.54038790958
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (15.4074516231 -0.151110211229 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.1995165763
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-6.46028966567 0.364015081996 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.31166947705
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (2.74603105324 -0.0395816871161 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.19943235951
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-11.5963776368 -2.40241753173 0)

Time = 0.005603
    Reading phi
    Reading U
    Reading p
Selecting thermodynamics package 
    type            hePsiThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       sutherland;
    thermo          janaf;
    equationOfState perfectGas;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleEnthalpy;

Selecting RAS turbulence model realizableKE
    Cmu             0.09;
    A0              4;
    C2              1.9;
    alphak          1;
    alphaEps        0.833333;
    sigmak          1;
    sigmaEps        1.2;
    Prt             1;

Creating expression field CRRv ... type:volScalarField
Creating expression field CRRp ... type:volScalarField
faceSource massflow_left output:
    sum(left) for phi = -0.00103410307331

Expression totalPressure_left :  average=1.11641828816
Expression totalTemperature_left :  average=0.000648275794341
Expression totalEnthalpy_left :  average=0.361718238139
Expression OpenArea_left :  average=9.87407127e-07
faceSource massflow_right output:
    sum(right) for phi = 0

Expression totalPressure_right :  average=0
Expression totalTemperature_right :  average=0
Expression totalEnthalpy_right :  average=0
Expression OpenArea_right :  average=0
 n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.64739243681
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-10.7119756104 0.0698869772509 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.22344341583
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (15.1091126654 -0.504933205988 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 1.54020289127
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (15.5479315581 0.123361643557 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.20058120728
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-7.15803858656 0.660864308825 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.31170132899
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (2.19549754943 0.300699461818 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.1918177524
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-11.0585749776 -3.04344758532 0)

Time = 0.005604
    Reading phi
    Reading U
    Reading p
Selecting thermodynamics package 
    type            hePsiThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       sutherland;
    thermo          janaf;
    equationOfState perfectGas;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleEnthalpy;

Selecting RAS turbulence model realizableKE
    Cmu             0.09;
    A0              4;
    C2              1.9;
    alphak          1;
    alphaEps        0.833333;
    sigmak          1;
    sigmaEps        1.2;
    Prt             1;

Creating expression field CRRv ... type:volScalarField
Creating expression field CRRp ... type:volScalarField
faceSource massflow_left output:
    sum(left) for phi = -0.00142169167925

Expression totalPressure_left :  average=1.52201538165
Expression totalTemperature_left :  average=0.000885686591728
Expression totalEnthalpy_left :  average=0.492872925186
Expression OpenArea_left :  average=1.35323421e-06
faceSource massflow_right output:
    sum(right) for phi = 0

Expression totalPressure_right :  average=0
Expression totalTemperature_right :  average=0
Expression totalEnthalpy_right :  average=0
Expression OpenArea_right :  average=0
faceSource n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.6526600039
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-13.2299026787 0.0724005870632 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.22467671997
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (13.2896753172 -0.566821093739 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 1.53996491809
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (15.6344262837 0.398277224982 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.2018033541
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-7.91927844396 0.858882321033 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.31133192027
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (1.81762852992 -0.0120634897057 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.18477951709
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-8.03112705441 -2.89203375236 0)

Time = 0.005605
    Reading phi
    Reading U
    Reading p
Selecting thermodynamics package 
    type            hePsiThermo;
    mixture         pureMixture;
    transport       sutherland;
    thermo          janaf;
    equationOfState perfectGas;
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleEnthalpy;

Selecting RAS turbulence model realizableKE
    Cmu             0.09;
    A0              4;
    C2              1.9;
    alphak          1;
    alphaEps        0.833333;
    sigmak          1;
    sigmaEps        1.2;
    Prt             1;

Creating expression field CRRv ... type:volScalarField
Creating expression field CRRp ... type:volScalarField
faceSource massflow_left output:
    sum(left) for phi = -0.00161657168165

Expression totalPressure_left :  average=1.75411172113
Expression totalTemperature_left :  average=0.00101228238282
Expression totalEnthalpy_left :  average=0.564254267376
Expression OpenArea_left :  average=1.543593639e-06
faceSource massflow_right output:
    sum(right) for phi = 0

Expression totalPressure_right :  average=0
Expression totalTemperature_right :  average=0
Expression totalEnthalpy_right :  average=0
Expression OpenArea_right :  average=0
faceSource n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.65778165691
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-15.805907883 0.0699390652206 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.22604031778
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (11.6175590509 -0.829308956823 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 1.53973537789
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (15.6850227332 0.305840721724 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.20290794178
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-8.73979311401 0.511005089957 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.31120114511
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (1.50114972057 -0.192109691523 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.17745833642
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (-2.50849576519 -3.13044693493 0)
see red lines as instance.


how can download patches from github?
Injustice Anywhere is a Threat for Justice Everywhere.Martin Luther King.
To Be or Not To Be,Thats the Question!
The Only Stupid Question Is the One that Goes Unasked.

Last edited by wyldckat; September 10, 2013 at 18:00.
immortality is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   September 10, 2013, 18:09
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Bruno Santos
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Hi Ehsan,

Originally Posted by immortality View Post
it was good if funkyDoCalc can be used for writing in folders after run,but its not possible yet as discussed in another thread.
I didn't mention execFlowFunctionObjects back then, because I had never managed to use it successfully in the past.

Originally Posted by immortality View Post
I noticed now that even Swak4Foam postProcessing dictionaries have worked with execFlowFunctionObjects!
its very good but how?is it implemented in execFlowFunctionObjects to be compatible by Swak functions?
This is because the latest execFlowFunctionObjects from OpenFOAM 2.2.x works properly. Or at least it should.

Originally Posted by immortality View Post
I wanted to plot the case now but some fields (p,T,h) are constant in different times.
Have you tried using the "-noFlow" option, as Joachim had mentioned in post #2?
Because this seems to be a symptom of not being able to load the fields for the current iteration, for which the "-noFlow" option should be able to do a better job with.

Originally Posted by immortality View Post
how can download patches from github?
What patches?
The steps on post #13 already give you the latest code for execFlowFunctionObjects.

Best regards,
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Old   September 11, 2013, 04:50
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I used -noFlow but didn't take effect:
Time = 0.005702
    Operating in no-flow mode; no models will be loaded. All vol, surface and point fields will be loaded.
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,k)
Reading volScalarField k_0
Reading volScalarField mut
Reading volScalarField rho
Reading volScalarField gas
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,epsilon)
Reading volScalarField k
Reading volScalarField gas_0
Reading volScalarField alphat
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rhoE)
Reading volScalarField epsilon_0
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,gas)
Reading volScalarField p
Reading volScalarField rho_0
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho)
Reading volScalarField T
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,h)
Reading volScalarField epsilon
Reading volVectorField ddt0(rhoU)
Reading volVectorField U_0
Reading volVectorField U
Reading volVectorField ddt0(rho,U)
Reading surfaceScalarField phi
Creating expression field CRRv ... type:volScalarField
Creating expression field CRRp ... type:volScalarField
faceSource massflow_left output:
    sum(left) for phi = -0.00642655046027

Expression totalPressure_left :  average=4.37062350717
Expression totalTemperature_left :  average=0.00594414457153
Expression totalEnthalpy_left :  average=2.41080675185
Expression OpenArea_left :  average=1.2e-05
faceSource massflow_right output:
    sum(right) for phi = 0

Expression totalPressure_right :  average=0
Expression totalTemperature_right :  average=0
Expression totalEnthalpy_right :  average=0
Expression OpenArea_right :  average=0
faceSource n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.97740704123
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (209.243594065 11.360156531 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 5.56337357653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (227.133193351 0.279388311399 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.24875085002
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (278.073433826 -3.61275208213 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.09318983304
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (157.220908175 0.400234925957 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.08073837366
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (176.68212306 1.12104523449 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.03469568731
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (188.160658972 0.826806479027 0)

Time = 0.005703
    Operating in no-flow mode; no models will be loaded. All vol, surface and point fields will be loaded.
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,k)
Reading volScalarField k_0
Reading volScalarField mut
Reading volScalarField rho
Reading volScalarField gas
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,epsilon)
Reading volScalarField k
Reading volScalarField gas_0
Reading volScalarField alphat
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rhoE)
Reading volScalarField epsilon_0
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,gas)
Reading volScalarField p
Reading volScalarField rho_0
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho)
Reading volScalarField T
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,h)
Reading volScalarField epsilon
Reading volVectorField ddt0(rhoU)
Reading volVectorField U_0
Reading volVectorField U
Reading volVectorField ddt0(rho,U)
Reading surfaceScalarField phi
Creating expression field CRRv ... type:volScalarField
Creating expression field CRRp ... type:volScalarField
faceSource massflow_left output:
    sum(left) for phi = -0.00640733430177

Expression totalPressure_left :  average=4.36591471879
Expression totalTemperature_left :  average=0.00594235642857
Expression totalEnthalpy_left :  average=2.40896375824
Expression OpenArea_left :  average=1.2e-05
faceSource massflow_right output:
    sum(right) for phi = 0

Expression totalPressure_right :  average=0
Expression totalTemperature_right :  average=0
Expression totalEnthalpy_right :  average=0
Expression OpenArea_right :  average=0
faceSource n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.98238479034
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (208.5064484 8.82197411871 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 5.54837709896
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (228.468435359 -0.460343579234 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.24562701621
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (279.046853786 -1.24245812408 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.0988998965
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (161.442512445 0.0293299327835 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.08684497516
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (180.622655696 0.456269341952 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.04705847747
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (192.03908676 -0.0460069073687 0)

Time = 0.005704
    Operating in no-flow mode; no models will be loaded. All vol, surface and point fields will be loaded.
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,k)
Reading volScalarField k_0
Reading volScalarField mut
Reading volScalarField rho
Reading volScalarField gas
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,epsilon)
Reading volScalarField k
Reading volScalarField gas_0
Reading volScalarField alphat
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rhoE)
Reading volScalarField epsilon_0
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,gas)
Reading volScalarField p
Reading volScalarField rho_0
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho)
Reading volScalarField T
Reading volScalarField ddt0(rho,h)
Reading volScalarField epsilon
Reading volVectorField ddt0(rhoU)
Reading volVectorField U_0
Reading volVectorField U
Reading volVectorField ddt0(rho,U)
Reading surfaceScalarField phi
Creating expression field CRRv ... type:volScalarField
Creating expression field CRRp ... type:volScalarField
faceSource massflow_left output:
    sum(left) for phi = -0.00638699055481

Expression totalPressure_left :  average=4.36086113999
Expression totalTemperature_left :  average=0.00594044134674
Expression totalEnthalpy_left :  average=2.40699199106
Expression OpenArea_left :  average=1.2e-05
faceSource massflow_right output:
    sum(right) for phi = 0

Expression totalPressure_right :  average=0
Expression totalTemperature_right :  average=0
Expression totalEnthalpy_right :  average=0
Expression OpenArea_right :  average=0
faceSource n1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 334499.211678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 444.685838435
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.98720832769
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 148754.095793
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (208.009973282 5.88700238635 0)

faceSource n2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 479523.68599
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 525.181033566
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 5.53378992457
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 232167.525399
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (230.105435966 -1.29504978326 0)

faceSource n3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 486033.899292
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 1098.46445791
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 2.24561897609
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 865682.237678
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (280.959666088 0.51425936664 0)

faceSource h1_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 415063.852506
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 728.321042981
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.10611645495
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 458261.740072
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (165.692273004 -0.0030228615156 0)

faceSource h2_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 413797.394914
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 698.436794706
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.09519507839
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 426037.449173
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (184.672665706 -0.462392709919 0)

faceSource h3_Average output:
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for p = 414311.026073
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for T = 725.342860273
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for rho = 3.05572558927
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for h = 455252.07653
    areaAverage(sampledSurface) for U = (195.969477341 -0.760923352078 0)

Time = 0.005705
    Operating in no-flow mode; no models will be loaded. All vol, surface and point fields will be loaded.
^Cmpirun: killing job...

mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 2197 on node Ehsan-com exited on signal 0 (Unknown signal 0).
4 total processes killed (some possibly by mpirun during cleanup)
mpirun: clean termination accomplished
What patches?
The steps on post #13 already give you the latest code for execFlowFunctionObjects.
I tjought may the patches in github be different.
Injustice Anywhere is a Threat for Justice Everywhere.Martin Luther King.
To Be or Not To Be,Thats the Question!
The Only Stupid Question Is the One that Goes Unasked.
immortality is offline   Reply With Quote


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