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Problem with parallel run

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Old   October 27, 2011, 14:26
Default Problem with parallel run
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Hisham Elsafti
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Dear Foamers,

I am developing a solver. It runs OK as a serial job. I need to run it in parallel. I cannot apply decomposePar! I get this error for the last processor (regardless of number of processors). I have nothing in the code nor the input files that wants this "time-series" thing!!!

I tried the decomposeParDict with a tutorial and it runs.

Any ideas are appreciated!

Constructing processor meshes

Processor 0
    Number of cells = 22542
    Number of faces shared with processor 1 = 109
    Number of processor patches = 1
    Number of processor faces = 109
    Number of boundary faces = 45409

Processor 1
    Number of cells = 22542
    Number of faces shared with processor 0 = 109
    Number of faces shared with processor 2 = 95
    Number of processor patches = 2
    Number of processor faces = 204
    Number of boundary faces = 45332

Processor 2
    Number of cells = 22542
    Number of faces shared with processor 1 = 95
    Number of faces shared with processor 3 = 97
    Number of processor patches = 2
    Number of processor faces = 192
    Number of boundary faces = 45334

Processor 3
    Number of cells = 22542
    Number of faces shared with processor 2 = 97
    Number of processor patches = 1
    Number of processor faces = 97
    Number of boundary faces = 45407

Number of processor faces = 301
Max number of cells = 22542 (0% above average 22542)
Max number of processor patches = 2 (33.3333% above average 1.5)
Max number of faces between processors = 204 (35.5482% above average 150.5)

file "/home/hisham/OpenFOAM/numubuntu-2.0.0/waveTankFoam/fineTutorial_waveTankFoam/time-series" does not exist

file: /home/hisham/OpenFOAM/numubuntu-2.0.0/waveTankFoam/fineTutorial_waveTankFoam/time-series at line 1.

    From function IFstream::operator()
    in file db/IOstreams/Fstreams/IFstream.C at line 178.

FOAM exiting
The Dictionary:
numberOfSubdomains 4;

method          simple;

    n               ( 4 1 1 );
    delta           0.001;

    n               ( 1 1 1 );
    delta           0.001;
    order           xyz;

    processorWeights ( 1 1 1 1 );

    dataFile        "";

distributed     no;

roots           ( );
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Old   October 27, 2011, 15:49
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Hisham Elsafti
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The same error message issues for foamToVTK !!
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Old   October 28, 2011, 15:15
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Hisham,

Mmm, that's an odd error message...
My guess is that you don't have any time instance folder, such as "0". I can't test this right now, so may I ask you to post the tree list of your case folder:
tree -s
Best regards,
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Old   October 28, 2011, 20:02
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├── [       4096]  0
│** ├── [       1309]  alpha
│** ├── [     182010]  alpha1
│** ├── [       1333]  alpha1~
│** ├── [       1464]
│** ├── [       1464]
│** ├── [       1334]  B
│** ├── [       1631]  B~
│** ├── [       1324]  cellMotionUx~
│** ├── [       1383]
│** ├── [       1424]  k
│** ├── [       1889]  k~
│** ├── [       1211]  nuSgs
│** ├── [       1515]  nuSgs~
│** ├── [       1294]  nuTilda
│** ├── [       1624]  nuTilda~
│** ├── [       4096]  OldFilesForRANS
│** │** ├── [       1324]  cellMotionUx
│** │** ├── [       1923]  epsilon
│** │** ├── [       1843]  mut
│** │** ├── [       1832]  nut
│** │** └── [       2019]  R
│** ├── [       1327]  pointMotionUx~
│** ├── [       1386]
│** ├── [       1551]  p_rgh
│** ├── [       2001]  p_rgh~
│** ├── [       2588]  U
│** └── [       1420]  U~
├── [       4096]  constant
│** ├── [       4096]  boundaryData
│** │** └── [       4096]  waveMaker
│** │**     ├── [       4096]  0
│** │**     │** ├── [        912]  alpha1
│** │**     │** └── [        912]  alpha1~
│** │**     ├── [       1279]  points
│** │**     └── [       1156]  points~
│** ├── [       1048]  dynamicMeshDict
│** ├── [        939]  g
│** ├── [       1780]  LESProperties
│** ├── [       4096]  polyMesh
│** │** ├── [       8471]  blockMeshDict
│** │** ├── [       1573]  boundary
│** │** ├── [       1694]  boundary~
│** │** ├── [     531206]  cellZones
│** │** ├── [    7335351]  faces
│** │** ├── [        877]  faceZones
│** │** ├── [     801419]  neighbour
│** │** ├── [    1850003]  owner
│** │** ├── [    1952171]  points
│** │** ├── [        878]  pointZones
│** │** └── [       4096]  sets
│** │**     ├── [     498418]  flume
│** │**     ├── [      25549]  sponge1
│** │**     ├── [      25213]  sponge2
│** │**     ├── [      25213]  sponge3
│** │**     ├── [      25423]  sponge4
│** │**     └── [      25535]  sponge5
│** ├── [       1168]  porousZones
│** ├── [       2284]  transportProperties
│** └── [        910]  turbulenceProperties
├── [          0]  fineTutorial_waveTankFoam.OpenFOAM
├── [  445603053]  log
├── [       2214]  PyFoamHistory
├── [       4096]  system
│** ├── [       1317]  controlDict
│** ├── [       1319]  controlDict~
│** ├── [       1234]  decomposeParDict
│** ├── [       1234]  decomposeParDict~
│** ├── [       1553]  fvSchemes
│** ├── [       2399]  fvSolution
│** ├── [       2399]  fvSolution~
│** ├── [       1151]  setFieldsDict
│** ├── [       1151]  #setFieldsDict#
│** ├── [       1151]  setFieldsDict~
│** ├── [       3577]  waterWavesDict
│** └── [       3293]  waterWavesDict~
├── [       2053]  waveTank.geo
└── [   14650731]  waveTank.msh
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Old   October 29, 2011, 05:50
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Bruno Santos
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Hi Hisham,

You have many files that shouldn't be where they are. Allow me to explain:
  • A solver or utility usually knows which files it needs for a certain type of simulation or certain mesh structure. It will ignore completely any other files lying around.
  • decomposePar only knows that all files in the time folders and in the constant folder and system folder should be split and/or copied to each processor.
    Some corner cases might exists, such as the one you are getting, where I can only estimate that some types of zones or sets are expected to have time series associated to them.
Please keep in mind that I'm not familiar with any solver that requires the "constant/boundaryData" folder nor require the times series file, so I'm just going to suggest what I would do... So, I suggest that you:
  1. Make a backup of this case before you do the next steps.
  2. Move the folder "0" to "".
  3. Create a new empty folder "0".
  4. Copy from "" to "0" only the files that are strictly necessary for the simulation.
  5. Create a folder named "system_sandbox" (it's a random name).
  6. Move all files in "system" to "system_sandbox" that are not essential to the simulation.
  7. In the folder "constant", remove files that end with a tilde "~" in the end of their name. These are backup files probably created by a text editor. If you don't want to remove them, move them to another folder that OpenFOAM doesn't look into.
  8. Try running decomposePar once again.
  9. If it still complains, then create a folder named "constant_sandbox" and move "boundaryData" from "constant" to this new folder.
  10. Try running decomposePar once again.
  11. If it no longer complains, but if you need "boundaryData", then you'll have to check the original case you used as basis and check how exactly it works, since the time series file might be necessary for files in "boundaryData".
Keep in mind that each simulation case, although purely digital, should be kept neatly tidy as well as you would in a real life experiment of said case
You wouldn't leave a screw driver on the ground of a wind tunnel experiment and then turn on the fans, would you?

Best regards,
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Old   October 29, 2011, 07:02
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Hi Bruno,

As you've expected. It is the boundaryData that causes the problem. I do not need the timeVaryingMapped BC for now, so I guess your advice for keeping things tidy pays off.

I removed the boundaryData altogether and it decomposes now fine.

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Old   March 7, 2012, 22:26
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hey, i did this mesh in salome and ideasToUnv worked fine but after that when i decomposed it i had this error

Constructing processor meshes
#0 Foam::error:rintStack(Foam::Ostream&) in "/opt/openfoam201/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#1 Foam::sigSegv::sigHandler(int) in "/opt/openfoam201/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/lib/"
#2 in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
in "/opt/openfoam201/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/decomposePar"
in "/opt/openfoam201/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/decomposePar"
in "/opt/openfoam201/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/decomposePar"
#6 __libc_start_main in "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
in "/opt/openfoam201/platforms/linux64GccDPOpt/bin/decomposePar"
Segmentation fault

i have had no errors so far with my decomposePar ever... please help me I'm just stuck
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Old   March 8, 2012, 05:35
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Alhasan,

Did you check the mesh?
Also, consider upgrading to OpenFOAM 2.1.0, in case checkMesh gives you a good validation. This way it'll be easier to infer if the problem is due to a bug that has already been fixed or not.

Best regards,
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Old   March 8, 2012, 21:34
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there was a problem with the mesh...!!!! sorry for the inconvinence... thanks ...

the problem was the there was one extra face on just one wall..!!!! and it couldn't segment the number of cells equally i guess...!!!

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Old   March 13, 2012, 09:31
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Bruno Santos
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Originally Posted by Alhasan View Post
the problem was the there was one extra face on just one wall..!!!! and it couldn't segment the number of cells equally i guess...!!!
Well, if you were using Scotch for decomposition, then apparently that might also have been a bug/limitation:
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