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Problem running buoyantFoam

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Old   January 21, 2010, 03:31
Default Problem running buoyantFoam
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I try to get familiar was solving temperature Problems in Openfoam.
at the Moment I'm still working with 1.4 until our admin will Install 1.6..

I was running the hotRoom tutorial which is usings Blockmesh.
Because I will not use Ansa for further work not the Blockmesh in reconstructed the mesh using ansa.

Ansa 13.xx is able to read and write OpenFoam decks (ok the writing has a bug)..
I opened the OpenFoam deck with Ansa , saved it as fluent-file and used fluent3DMeshtofoam.

There is now a cellZones file in the polymesh direktory, the boundary an initial conditions a took from the tutorial.

After 3 steps the calculation crashes

Create mesh for time = 0

Reading environmentalProperties
Reading thermophysical properties

Selecting thermodynamics package hThermo<pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hC onstThermo<perfectGas>>>>>
Reading field U

Reading/calculating face flux field phi

Creating turbulence model

Selecting turbulence model kEpsilon
Creating field dpdt

Calculating field g.h

Creating field pd

Starting time loop

Courant Number mean: 0 max: 0
Time = 0.25

diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.00508188, Final residual = 7.32216e-06, No Iterations 20
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 7.08488e-06, No Iterations 36
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.00144893, Final residual = 9.13031e-06, No Iterations 37
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.697128, Final residual = 7.01113e-06, No Iterations 43
DICPCG: Solving for pd, Initial residual = 0.999995, Final residual = 6.62537e-07, No Iterations 45
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 1.21113e-05, global = 2.976e-11, cumulative = 2.976e-11
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 3.92272e-06, No Iterations 41
DICPCG: Solving for pd, Initial residual = 0.673709, Final residual = 7.38414e-07, No Iterations 44
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 2.00443e-05, global = -8.60306e-11, cumulative = -5.62706e-11
DILUPBiCG: Solving for epsilon, Initial residual = 0.126125, Final residual = 5.38938e-06, No Iterations 11
DILUPBiCG: Solving for k, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 3.82471e-06, No Iterations 33
ExecutionTime = 0.25 s ClockTime = 0 s

Courant Number mean: 1.79445 max: 22.9819
Time = 0.5

diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.998631, Final residual = 7.49322e-06, No Iterations 14
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.999779, Final residual = 3.38204e-06, No Iterations 15
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.998631, Final residual = 7.49322e-06, No Iterations 14
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.931951, Final residual = 7.36059e-06, No Iterations 19
DICPCG: Solving for pd, Initial residual = 0.872791, Final residual = 9.98979e-07, No Iterations 28
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.0984091, global = -0.000134958, cumulative = -0.000134958
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.997817, Final residual = 6.95462e-06, No Iterations 48
DICPCG: Solving for pd, Initial residual = 0.699228, Final residual = 9.09491e-07, No Iterations 27
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.0906934, global = -1.07524e-06, cumulative = -0.000136033
DILUPBiCG: Solving for epsilon, Initial residual = 0.99387, Final residual = 6.26957e-06, No Iterations 16
DILUPBiCG: Solving for k, Initial residual = 0.999733, Final residual = 3.80444e-06, No Iterations 17
bounding k, min: -0.683897 max: 8.39597 average: 2.23756
ExecutionTime = 0.38 s ClockTime = 0 s

Courant Number mean: 29703.4 max: 101397
Time = 0.75

diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.935259, Final residual = 7.06474e-06, No Iterations 58
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.932357, Final residual = 8.07299e-06, No Iterations 44
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.935259, Final residual = 7.06474e-06, No Iterations 58
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.927174, Final residual = 3.32234e-06, No Iterations 45
DICPCG: Solving for pd, Initial residual = 0.999669, Final residual = 5.44238e-07, No Iterations 45
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.0249903, global = -1.14473e-06, cumulative = -0.000137178
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.999947, Final residual = 3.96725e-06, No Iterations 45
DICPCG: Solving for pd, Initial residual = 0.489969, Final residual = 8.87186e-07, No Iterations 71
diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.000912857, global = -1.0761e-06, cumulative = -0.000138254
DILUPBiCG: Solving for epsilon, Initial residual = 0.999279, Final residual = 2.48876e-06, No Iterations 6
bounding epsilon, min: -1.23011e+07 max: 8.26133e+09 average: 4.07851e+07
DILUPBiCG: Solving for k, Initial residual = 0.837395, Final residual = 6.2143e-06, No Iterations 9
bounding k, min: -229.64 max: 426.695 average: 19.3091
ExecutionTime = 0.6 s ClockTime = 0 s

Courant Number mean: 170.246 max: 13473.3
Time = 1

diagonal: Solving for rho, Initial residual = 0, Final residual = 0, No Iterations 0
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.736069, Final residual = 9.20155e-06, No Iterations 61
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.726148, Final residual = 2.06373e-06, No Iterations 54
DILUPBiCG: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.736069, Final residual = 9.56633e-06, No Iterations 61
DILUPBiCG: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.893243, Final residual = 2.53873e-06, No Iterations 52

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : Maximum number of iterations exceeded#0 Foam::error:rintStack(Foam::Ostream&) in "/soft/OpenFOAM/linux64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/"
#1 Foam::error::abort() in "/soft/OpenFOAM/linux64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/"
#2 Foam::hThermo<Foam:ureMixture<Foam::constTranspo rt<Foam::specieThermo<Foam::hConstThermo<Foam:er fectGas> > > > >::calculate() in "/soft/OpenFOAM/linux64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/"
#3 Foam::hThermo<Foam:ureMixture<Foam::constTranspo rt<Foam::specieThermo<Foam::hConstThermo<Foam:er fectGas> > > > >::correct() in "/soft/OpenFOAM/linux64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/lib/linux64GccDPOpt/"
#4 main in "/soft/OpenFOAM/linux64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/applications/bin/linux64GccDPOpt/buoyantFoam"
#5 __libc_start_main in "/lib64/"
#6 Foam::regIOobject::readIfModified() in "/soft/OpenFOAM/linux64/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/applications/bin/linux64GccDPOpt/buoyantFoam"

From function specieThermo<thermo>::T(scalar f, scalar T0, scalar (specieThermo<thermo>::*F)(const scalar) const, scalar (specieThermo<thermo>::*dFdT)(const scalar) const) const
in file /home/dm2/henry/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.4.1/src/thermophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude/specieThermoI.H at line 83.

Does somebody know the reason?



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Old   January 21, 2010, 03:56
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Problem solved,
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Old   January 21, 2010, 03:59
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Dirk Voglander
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i'm not sure to have understood your question about ANSA and blockMesh but i think you have instability problems: the courant number increases untill the crash of the simulation.

You should try to use smaller timesteps, maybe a finer mesh and check that your boundary conditions are correct.

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Old   January 27, 2010, 11:55
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Vangelis Skaperdas
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Originally Posted by anke View Post

Ansa 13.xx is able to read and write OpenFoam decks (ok the writing has a bug)..
I opened the OpenFoam deck with Ansa , saved it as fluent-file and used fluent3DMeshtofoam.
Hi Anke,

Which ANSA version (v13.0.x, what is the x?) are you using and what kind
of bug have you found in the output?
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Old   August 28, 2013, 05:43
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Originally Posted by anke View Post
Problem solved,
Hello Anke

Can you kindly advise me how you resolved this issue. I have the same problem in rhoPimpleFoam. I have attached my error file. Can you kindly advise how I can solve it. Case is air flowing in pipe and assumed as compressible.
I shall be grateful for your support.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg error.jpg (57.5 KB, 5 views)
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