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[OpenFOAM] Refresh Times does not seem to work (Cavity tutorial)

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Old   June 6, 2016, 10:50
Default Refresh Times does not seem to work (Cavity tutorial)
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Siegen, Germany
Posts: 59
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MBttR is on a distinguished road

Just got OpenFOAM (2.4.0 on Ubuntu 15.10 on VirtualBox on Windows 10 64bit) running this morning, now working through the User Guide. I have no previous Linux experience either for that matter.

I'm at the point where I just run paraFoam, verified the mesh and then have to run icoFoam.

I ran paraFoam using

paraFoam &
Then after it opens and I select the formatting for my mesh, I got back to the same terminal window, first have to press Enter (Return) to get a new prompt line, and then use

It runs succesfully (folders are created), and ParaView sees my timesteps from 0 to 0.5 but the screen remains white (except for my black grid). Pressing the 'Refresh Times' button doesn't change anything.

I'm sure it's something trivial, perhaps something in the order I'm doing wrong, but can't seem to find it. I have read following topics to no avail:

Thanks a lot,


Last edited by MBttR; June 7, 2016 at 09:48.
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Old   June 7, 2016, 08:11
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Siegen, Germany
Posts: 59
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MBttR is on a distinguished road
I have now also stumbled on this post, showing that the tutorial is based on an old ParaView version which complicates the situation:

Then I've also gone through the first tutorial of The Foam House hoping that would enlighten me, but I have the exact same situation. It does recognize my solution (as it sees the timesteps) and there is data in the newly created directories, but the representation remains blank. I included a picture for clarity. I tried showing different parts of the mesh hoping that would change anything (even though the tutorial says to just show all mesh parts) and jam the Refresh Times button, to no avail.

Hope someone can help, cheers!



I read something about ParaView not correctly reading .openfoam files, so I ran it like this:

$ touch case.foam
$ paraview --data=case.foam
As mentioned here:

Doesn't work. Exact same situation as above.
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Old   June 7, 2016, 09:53
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Siegen, Germany
Posts: 59
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MBttR is on a distinguished road

Time to call me stupid, I deserve it. For those that somehow have the same oversight (and they exist! I've seen the topics!), the solution is shamefully simple. I read over the "Select *parameter* in coloring" sentence, where you have to select either p or U. Seems a bit weird that they're first spending a whole paragraph on formatting your color and then fly over that part without showing a screenshot, but okay, my fault for reading too fast. Good thing is it's solved and I can continue. I'll give myself both a slap in the face and pat on the back.

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