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[blockMesh] Projection of edges to the surface

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  • 1 Post By klitz

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Old   October 14, 2020, 11:09
Default Projection of edges to the surface
New Member
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 11
Rep Power: 7
klitz is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I cant seem to project my edges to the surface. Couldnt solve the problem so I need your help.

Here is blockMeshDict:

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
  =========                 |
  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /   O peration     | Website:
    \\  /    A nd           | Version:  8
     \\/     M anipulation  |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

xMax  21;
zMax  5;

xMin -5;
zMin -0.05;

    // Number of cells
z1 		30;
z2		40;
x1		20;
x2		30;
x3 		40;
x4 		50;
x5 		60;

    // Mesh grading
zg1		1;
zg2		10;
zg3		30;
xg1		1;
xg2 	50;	

//Points on the surface
a0x	0.1;
a0z	0;
a1x	0;
a1z	0.1;
a2x 0;
a2z	0.186;
a3x	0.1;
a3z	0.286;
a4x 0.8428;
a4z 0.286;
a5x 1.044;
a5z 0.192179;
a6x 1.044;
a6z 0;	

        type   triSurfaceMesh;
        file   "ahmedmetre.stl";

   project ($a0x -0.1 $a0z) (ahmed)    		//0
   project ($a1x -0.1 $a1z) (ahmed)			//1
   project ($a2x -0.1 $a2z) (ahmed)  		//2
   project ($a3x -0.1 $a3z) (ahmed) 		//3
   project ($a4x -0.1 $a4z) (ahmed)			//4
   project ($a5x -0.1 $a5z) (ahmed) 		//5
   project ($a6x -0.1 $a6z) (ahmed) 		//6
    ($a0x -0.1 $zMin) 		//7
    ($xMin -0.1 $zMin) 		//8
    ($xMin -0.1 $a0z) 		//9
    ($xMin -0.1 $a1z)		//10
    ($xMin -0.1 $a2z) 		//11 
    ($xMin -0.1 $a3z)		//12
    ($xMin -0.1 $zMax) 		//13
    ($a3x -0.1 $zMax) 		//14
    ($a4x -0.1 $zMax) 		//15
    ($a5x -0.1 $zMax)		//16
    ($xMax -0.1 $zMax)		//17
    ($xMax -0.1 $a5z)		//18
    ($xMax -0.1 $a6z) 		//19
    ($xMax -0.1 $zMin)		//20
    ($a6x -0.1 $zMin)		//21

   project ($a0x 0.1 $a0z)  (ahmed)	//22
   project ($a1x 0.1 $a1z)  (ahmed)	//23
   project ($a2x 0.1 $a2z)  (ahmed)	//24
   project ($a3x 0.1 $a3z)  (ahmed)	//25
   project ($a4x 0.1 $a4z)  (ahmed)	//26
   project ($a5x 0.1 $a5z)  (ahmed)	//27
   project ($a6x 0.1 $a6z)  (ahmed)	//28 
    ($a0x 0.1 $zMin) 		//29
    ($xMin 0.1 $zMin) 		//30
    ($xMin 0.1 $a0z)		//31
    ($xMin 0.1 $a1z)		//32
    ($xMin 0.1 $a2z) 		//33 
    ($xMin 0.1 $a3z)		//34
    ($xMin 0.1 $zMax)		//35
    ($a3x 0.1 $zMax) 		//36
    ($a4x 0.1 $zMax)		//37
    ($a5x 0.1 $zMax)		//38
    ($xMax 0.1 $zMax) 		//39
    ($xMax 0.1 $a5z)		//40
    ($xMax 0.1 $a6z) 		//41
    ($xMax 0.1 $zMin)		//42
    ($a6x 0.1 $zMin)		//43


	hex ( 1 23 32 10 2 24 33 11 )  //0
	(1 30 100)
		1 1 1 1 
		100 1 1 100
		1 1 1 1

	hex ( 2 24 33 11 3 25 34 12 )  //1
	(1 30 100)
		1 1 1 1 
		100 1 1 100
		1 1 1 1
	hex ( 3 25 34 12 14 36 35 13 )	//2
	(1 30 200)
		1 1 1 1 
		100 1 1 100
		50 50 50 50 

	hex ( 4 26 25 3 15 37 36 14 ) 	//3
	(1 80 200)
		1 1 1 1 
		1 1 1 1
		50 50 50 50

	hex ( 5 27 26 4 16 38 37 15 )	//4
	(1 30 200)
		1 1 1 1 
		1 1 1 1
		50 50 50 50 

	hex ( 18 40 27 5 17 39 38 16 ) //5
	(1 50 200)
		1 1 1 1 
		0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125
		50 50 50 50 

	hex ( 19 41 28 6 18 40 27 5 )	//6
	(1 50 50)
		1 1 1 1 
		0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125
		1 1 1 1

	hex ( 20 42 43 21 19 41 28 6 ) //7
	(1 50 50)
		1 1 1 1 
		0.0125 0.0125 0.0125 0.0125
		1 1 1 1

	hex ( 21 43 29 7 6 28 22 0 )	//8
	(1 80 50)
		1 1 1 1 
		1 1 1 1
		1 1 1 1

	hex ( 7 29 30 8 0 22 31 9 )	//9
	(1 30 50)
		1 1 1 1 
		100 1 1 100
		1 1 1 1

 	hex ( 0 22 31 9 1 23 32 10 )	//10
	(1 30 100)
		1 1 1 1 
		100 1 1 100
		1 1 1 1


    project 0 1 (ahmed) 
    project 1 2 (ahmed)
    project 2 3 (ahmed)
    project 3 4 (ahmed)
    project 4 5 (ahmed)
    project 5 6 (ahmed)
    project 6 0 (ahmed)

    project 22 23 (ahmed) 
    project 23 24 (ahmed)
    project 24 25 (ahmed)
    project 25 26 (ahmed)
    project 26 27 (ahmed)
    project 27 28 (ahmed)
    project 28 22 (ahmed)

	project (2 3 25 24) ahmed
	project (0 1 23 22) ahmed

        type wall;
            (0 1 23 22)
            (1 2 24 23)
            (2 3 25 24)
            (3 4 26 25)
            (4 5 27 26)
            (5 6 28 27)
            (6 0 22 28)

    	type wall;
    		(20 21 43 42)
    		(21 7 29 43)
    		(7 8 30 29)

    	type wall;
    		(13 14 36 35)
    		(14 15 37 36)
    		(15 16 38 37)
    		(16 17 39 38)

        type patch;
            (8 9 31 30)
            (9 10 32 31)
            (10 11 33 32)
            (11 12 34 33)
            (12 13 35 34)

        type patch;
            (18 40 39 17)
            (19 41 40 18)
            (20 42 41 19)

        type empty;
            (8 9 0 7)
            (9 10 1 0)
            (10 11 2 1)
            (11 12 3 2)
            (12 13 14 3)
            (3 14 15 4)
            (4 15 16 5)
            (16 17 18 5)
            (18 19 6 5)
            (19 20 21 6)
            (21 7 0 6)

        type empty;
            (30 31 22 29)
            (31 32 23 22)
            (32 33 24 23)
            (33 34 25 24)
            (34 35 36 25)
            (25 36 37 26)
            (26 37 38 27)
            (38 39 40 27)
            (40 41 28 27)
            (41 42 43 28)
            (43 29 22 28)

// ************************************************************************* //
Grading and other things are not done properly yet. I dont think that would effect the projection process. I tried to draw how the blocks are numbered. And in the other image you can see the projection is not done.
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